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Google has patented "Word2Vec" Algorithim (
10 points by soates 3258 days ago | 6 comments

5 points by soates 3258 days ago | link

As has been pointed out elsewhere - this might just be a defensive move to stop a Patent Troll from getting the patent and enforcing it.


4 points by realallentran 3258 days ago | link

This is ridiculous. A numeric representation of x in a high dimensional space is the basis of machine learning.


3 points by sbpayne 3258 days ago | link

GG anyone else wanting to do state of the art NLP.


2 points by kjson 3258 days ago | link

what does this actually mean though... How can they expect EVERYONE in NLP to just stop using it.


3 points by yankov 3257 days ago | link

They don't though. They released word2vec under apache2 license. Google is just trying to protect itself from being sued by someone else.


1 point by barabba 3249 days ago | link

The problem is that you can actually patent it.


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