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1 point by rohit 3568 days ago | link | parent

Pulled up the `Github timeline` dataset in Google BigQuery. The repo create date of the records range from 2007-10-29 to 2012-05-01.

There is also a type field for the events in the BQ table.

    Row	type	Count	 
    1	PushEvent	2686723	 
    2	CreateEvent	964830	 
    3	WatchEvent	581029	 
    4	IssueCommentEvent	507724	 
    5	GistEvent	366643	 
    6	IssuesEvent	305479	 
    7	ForkEvent	180712	 
    8	PullRequestEvent	173204	 
    9	FollowEvent	156427	 
    10	GollumEvent	104808	 
    11	CommitCommentEvent	62751	 
    12	PullRequestReviewCommentEvent	32962	 
    13	DeleteEvent	31998	 
    14	MemberEvent	23491	 
    15	DownloadEvent	22559	 
    16	null	10980	 
    17	PublicEvent	5553	 
    18	ForkApplyEvent	1876

2 points by rohit 3568 days ago | link

Top ten repos ordered by the number of push events.

    Row	repository_name	repository_url	number_of_push_events	 
    1	bcom-homepage-archive	bcomdlc/bcom-homepage-archive	4698	 
    2	llvm-project	chapuni/llvm-project	4592	 
    3	llvm-project-submodule	chapuni/llvm-project-submodule	4578	 
    4	gamelib	STRd6/gamelib	3899	 
    5	IRC_Logs	RedditAndroidDev/IRC_Logs	2974	 
    6	freebsd	freebsd/freebsd	2367	 
    7	jenkins-config	CloudStack/jenkins-config	2037	 
    8	HomeworkFox	mindfreakthemon/HomeworkFox	1456	 
    9	CloudStack	CloudStack/CloudStack	1356	 
    10	buildhistory	Angstrom-distribution/buildhistory	1257


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