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1 point by etrabesi 2601 days ago | link | parent

It seems like a nice start, i think the stuff most lacking everywhere is errors,tools and redshift's limitation

I would add on the following tools: - Redshift monitoring - Redshift admin queies and views and - spark-redshift - snowplow

I would also add about limitation and how to overcome it: - copy of json vs csv (Non Strict/Strict schema) - limitation of udf (no input possible) - listagg on more than varchar(max) using ... - some redshift sql tricks like (equivalent to generate_series) - Emphasize lack of recursive functions& triggers and more and how one would fix it using code other tools

ERROR handling: - SSL - load errors

and some more advanced stuff like: - dynamic schemas since data+quries alive how would one generate schemas - wlm and the new features - auto scaling the cluster when/how few slices with big storage vs many slices (Network IO vs parallelize)

1 point by gps13 2580 days ago | link

thanks a lot for the feedback. WE will try to ament accordingly.


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