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The 10 Algorithms Machine Learning Engineers Need to Know — Medium (
16 points by Anon84 2831 days ago | 2 comments

2 points by TheCartographer 2830 days ago | link

Very nice link, thank you for posting.

One quibble: I thought the advantage of the hyperplane method used by SVMs is that it can model non-linear boundaries between groups that are not strictly seperable linearly. So the reduction of SVMs to 'good for building linear boundaries between classes' seemed a bit wrong relative to what I know about SVMs (admittedly, not an enormous amount).


1 point by amplifier_khan 2830 days ago | link

Great point. The kernel trick. By transforming the non-linearly separable dataset into a higher dimensional space that is linearly separable, you can use an SVM classifier in that higher dimensional space to find a good decision boundary.


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