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For-prize data science competition to help schools use resources better (
8 points by isms 3455 days ago | 14 comments

4 points by trevs 3452 days ago | link

Hey there, thanks for hosting this competition! Couple of quick questions:

- Is the test/train split random, temporal, geographic, something else?

- Is the visible public leaderboard score the final competition score?


3 points by bull 3452 days ago | link

Hi trev, nice work on the competition so far! Thanks for the questions.

I won't go into how exactly the data is divided (just to keep things fair). I'll just say that we mixed a couple strategies to make sure it was representative of how the algorithm would be used in the future. That is, the new data coming in will never look exactly like the data you already have.

The visible public leaderboard is not the final score (so that people can't just overfit what they see there). It is calculated on a subset of the test data. I think the explainer for this is buried in the rules--we'll make sure to call that out more prominently.

Good luck, and keep the questions coming!

- Peter


2 points by trevs 3452 days ago | link

Makes sense, thanks for the clarification.


2 points by Nadav 3452 days ago | link

How will DrivenData differ from Kaggle? (in terms of hosting a competition)


2 points by bull 3451 days ago | link

DrivenData is focused on competitions that have a social impact. You can read more about what that means to us on our blog:


2 points by Love-R 3455 days ago | link

When does the competition end?


2 points by bull 3455 days ago | link

This competition ends January 6th, 2015 11:59pm UTC!


2 points by patwater 3455 days ago | link

Who's funding this out of curiosity?


2 points by bull 3455 days ago | link

Thanks for the question! The nonprofit, Education Resource Strategies, has put up the prize pool for this competition. For them, there's a clear operational win in being able to do this work more effectively and efficiently. A smart solution means that they can better serve the schools and school districts they partner with.


2 points by bull 3455 days ago | link

Hey Peter here, one of the co-founders - happy to answer any questions!


2 points by datadata 3451 days ago | link

Seems like DrivenData is Kaggle meets DataKind. Is this a fair assessment?

What's your business model look like? Are you a nonprofit?


2 points by bull 3451 days ago | link

Good question. Those are both organizations we admire and good touch points for what we do.

We think of our mission as having two parts. The first is to provide high-quality machine learning to organizations with a social impact. The second is to show aspiring and practicing data scientists the really important (and really cool) questions they can tackle in the social sector. We're organized as a social enterprise because we believe it's the most sustainable way to make these things happen.


2 points by Nadav 3452 days ago | link

From a quick glance, couldn't find information what is the evaluation metric/how is it calculated


2 points by bull 3451 days ago | link

You can see the metric on the "Submissions" and "Leaderboard" pages after joining the competition!


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